Frequently Asked Questions

Sports Psychology studies the performance, mental condition, and well-being of an athlete in various sport situations using psychological methods. It understands that emotional and psychological factors can impact athletes and their performance. For example, self-confidence, motivation, and determination are a few of the psychological factors that can influence how an athlete or a team performs.

Sometimes, despite training hard, your performance may not match your potential. It could be due to competitive stress, lack of concentration, or low self-confidence. The reason for this might be emotional or psychological barriers that you may not be even aware of. A Sport Psychologist can help you overcome these challenges, improve your concentration, manage game-related stress and get the best out of your training. Even if everything is going well for you, consulting a Sport Psychologist can still help boost your performance.
A Sport Psychologist helps an athlete overcome the emotional or psychological challenges that may be affecting his or her performance. By understanding the challenges and through mental skill-building strategies, a Sport Psychologist can help the athlete concentrate better, deal more effectively with game-related stress, train more efficiently and perform better.
An athlete usually goes to a Sport Psychologist to work on his or her performance. Not consulting one will not cause any harm. However, it is important that an athlete makes mental conditioning (working with a Sport Psychologist) an integral part of the training program in order to optimize potential.
All athletes, irrespective of the sport they play, age and level of competition, can benefit from working with a Sport Psychologist. If you want to enhance your mental performance or keep your performance consistent, going to a Sport Psychologist will help.
Consulting a Sport Psychologist can be beneficial at all stages of your training. Think about consulting one during pre-competition preparation, performance slumps, skill acquisition, injury rehabilitation, and career transitions. Your decision to consult will be based on your individual situation and needs. At Nudge Sports we believe that all athletes must make mental conditioning an integral part of their training program.
A Sport Psychologist and a mainstream psychologist are both professionals in the field of psychology, but they have different areas of focus and expertise. Sport Psychologists primarily work with athletes and sports teams to enhance performance, while mainstream psychologists work with those who need help to deal with mental health concerns in a larger context.

Athletes usually go to Sport Psychologists to:

● Improve performance & focus better during the game
● Work on self-confidence, motivation level etc.
● Manage expectations of self, coach & parents
● Learn how to balance studies or work with their sport
● Cope with emotions post injury and through recovery, stay motivated during rehabilitation and for best performance during the ‘back to sport’ phase.
● Improve as a team player, be better at communication, at handling conflicts and at being able to perform well no matter the team dynamics.

The Sport Psychologists with Nudge Sports are present across India, including many small towns. We try and match you to a Sport Psychologist who is close enough for you to meet offline. However, we have a successful track record of delivering results even through 100% online sessions
Athletes of all ages can benefit from mental skills training. Early exposure can provide a strong foundation, but athletes at any stage can seek assistance. It depends on personal circumstances and the desire to enhance performance and manage psychological challenges.
PEP does not just focus on how Sport Psychologists can help athletes, but it also bridges the gap between Sport Psychologists and athletes by connecting them with a single click, both online and offline. Also, PEP works only with qualified Sport Psychologists and is based on research and the experiences of our Sport Psychologists.

PEP can be used by both individuals and teams or academies or clubs. In case you want your club or academy to enroll with PEP, please drop us a mail at or call us at +91 9372771167. We will get back to you with a suitable plan at the soonest.

Yes, non-athletes can also benefit from the services of a Sport Psychologist. Sport Psychologists also support individuals with no connection to sports, such as business professionals, corporate executives, performers, students, and anyone looking to enhance mental skills, performance, and well-being. Do check out our services section for more details.
Our Sport Psychologists are qualified to identify symptoms and signs of ADHD. However, we do not offer testing for ADHD or support for managing it. Post a preliminary check, we only recommend a competent and qualified expert that an athlete can seek assistance from.
Our programs are focused on techniques to enhance performance. We however do work on the general mental well-being of the athlete as part of the process. Additionally, while some of our Sport Psychologists also have a degree in clinical psychology, if we see any clinical symptoms, we refer the athlete to a competent Counsellor or Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatrist as the case may be. We do NOT directly handle cases with clinical issues.
We have programs and masterclasses for corporate and business executives. Using the skills used in competitive sports, we assist corporate and business minds to work under pressure, collaborate for greater efficiency and build resilience to overcome work challenges. We also address performance-inhibitors like stress, doubt, mental blocks, and burnout. For more details, do go through our corporate programs in the services section.

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